Minimalist House Facade by Griffin Enright
Minimalist House Facade by Griffin Enright
Modern luxury home minimalist style designed by Architect Griffin Enright. It has spectacular views as seen on the surroundings. Designed with the purpose of exploring the surroundings of nature in the perspective of space, traffic, and landscape. This minimalist house design, offers a simple style of modern life with luxury interior design.
Built in 6000 square feet, this house has room for many guests in a big lounge room with minimalist furniture whose pictures we see in MINIMALIST LIVING ROOMS. It has a bedroom with a big glass door that can be the reason of enjoying the fresh air and sunshine in the morning, or the bathroom with modern and luxury equipment, guest room with large glasses, kitchen, mini bar and snack bar and swimming pool.
What a beautiful home from inside to outside.

Via: House Facades and Home Interiors  

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